
Region Management Software
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Boost Efficiency, Simplify Operations

  • Reduce Overhead
    Reduce overhead and speed up your partner organization to focus on more important tasks.
  • End to End Experience
    Teams, Volunteers, Event Hosts, Volunteer Coordinators, and Partners use one application from onboarding to post-event activities, never having to go to another application.
  • Digital Event Day
    Reduce paper and setup with a fully digital, cloud-based event day experience.

Built for You, Designed for Value

  • Built by Partners
    We built Lumieos over the past 10 years as former Program Delivery Partners for Central California. Lumieos is built by partners for partners.
  • Simple Pricing
    Our pricing is based on estimated team counts in a region and negotiated each summer, paid monthly or quarterly based on partner needs. No additional fees for number of emails, volunteers, events, or administrative users.
  • Protect PII
    Reduce PII exposure by limiting access to only required individuals and leverage Lumieos as a communication proxy.

Annual Agreement

$ 3.00-3.30
per Active Team per season
  • Tiered in increments of 25 teams
  • Billed monthly or quarterly
  • Consistent cost throughout season
  • Unlimited Events
  • Unlimited Volunteers

On Demand

$ 3.20-3.50
per Active Team per season
  • Billed monthly
  • Only charged for newly Active Teams
  • Unlimited Events
  • Unlimited Volunteers

User Workflows

Data Imported from Tableau


Account Invites and Updates

Coaches and Team Admins are invited to create Lumieos Accounts or are notified that their existing accounts are updated and ready to go.

Team Preparation and Updates

Coaches sign in to Lumieos and begin to manage their team.

  1. Using their Action Item list, they are shown required actions they must take to get their team into compliance with region rules.
  2. They can let their team data sync from the national database, or make Lumieos specific changes.
  3. If enabled, teams can also manage profile data that is used by event day volunteers.

Event Registration and Payment

Event Preparation

Once teams are registered, teams can:
  • Manage their registration and view event information
  • View agenda and judging/match schedules
  • View scoresheets after each match on event day.

After an Event

Once an event concludes, team can access:
  • Award scripts for any awards received
  • Judging Rubrics and any other post-event files.
  • If event staff marked the team as “Advancing”, then Lumieos will present and guide teams through the next level of registration.

End of Season

Volunteer Accesses their Dashboard or Event Pages

Sign Up for an Event

Volunteers can sign up either on their dashboard for multiple events at once, or directly via the public event page.

Update Profile

Each volunteer has a profile in Lumieos that captures information such as past experience, shirt size, associated teams, dietary restrictions, and more.

Pre-Event Preparation

Lumieos contains a built in training and learning module that provides role based training and certification.  When a volunteer applies, Lumieos will show them all relevant training options for selected roles, and then reduces them once assigned to a specific role.

Event Hosts and Volunteer Coordinators can contact volunteers before and after assignment.

Volunteer Screening

Lumieos is able to compute if a volunteer needs screening and if screening has already been captured by existing mechanisms.  If we determine screening is required, the volunteer is instructed to visit a screening provider to proceed.

Screening data is automatically imported and updated when completed.

End of Season

Volunteer Accesses their Dashboard or Event Pages

View Event List

All events have a public page that can be accessed without an account.  Lumieos lists all upcoming events on the home page, as well as active events in a banner.

Event Details

The public can see event details including:

  • Location, Date and Time
  • Team information
  • Agenda and Schedules (Match, Judging, etc)
  • Live Match results (if using Digital Event Day)
  • Final Results After Event
  • Volunteer Opportunities

End of Season


Feature List


  • Managed and hosted by InnovAlda
  • Based on latest technologies with high redundancy and security.
  • Emails systems compliant with new sending guidelines from Google and Yahoo.


  • Branded as your organization with some simple DNS settings.
    • You bring the domain (IE:
    • You create and determine the app name and branding (IE: MyPartnerOrg)
    • Emails come from your organization. (IE: [email protected])


  • Lumieos operates as a shared instance across all partners, allowing users to have one account for multiple partner organizations in one region.
  • Users chose what data is shared between partner organizations.
  • We employ a form of Role Based Access Control (RBAC), which means users only see what they have been granted permission to see.  For example:
    • Team Coaches can only see their teams.
    • Event hosts can only manage their events.

Team Information

  • Team data can be manually edited, or kept in sync with imports from the national registration system.
    • Optionally, Lumieos can present a link to a jotform as well as capture when the form is completed.
  • Rosters are created from user data, roster data from the national system, as well as manually uploaded data.
    • What teams can do is configurable on a per region basis
  • If configured, there is an optional team profile that is used by various roles on event day with our digital event day system.

Team Status and Action Items

  • Team status is automatically determined from the following:
    • Member limits based on role types
    • Screening status of coaches
    • Agreement status of coaches and team members. (C&R, custom forms, etc)
    • Pending invites
    • Jotform completion (if configured)
    • Lumieos Demographics (if configured)
  • Based on team status, Lumieos generates a list of action items for each team on a user’s dashboard.

Profile and Signup

  • A unique profile is created for each volunteer which captures information past experience, shirt size, associated teams, dietary restrictions, and more.

Training and Certification

  • Role based training is available for many volunteers.
  • This training is based off of learning modules and concludes with a certification.


  • Lumieos can identify if a volunteer needs screening or if screening has already been captured.
  • If screening is required, the volunteer is instructed to visit a screening provider to proceed.
  • Screening data updated when completed and automatically imported.

Event Details

  • Every event has a public page
  • Assignment of event Date/Time and Start/Stop are built in
  • Details section allows for customization; add information like the presence of food at your event
  • Upload files directly to your event
  • Team list and statistics
  • Real time robot game scores and Award Winners
  • Volunteer signup
  • Lumieos allows the assignment of standard FIRST awards as well as custom, region specific, awards
  • Scripts for the awards ceremony are built into Lumieos, with the evergreen award descriptions from FIRST built in and space to edit for event specific script sections (from the judges)
  • Award templates for specific sized events can be set on a per-region basis
  • Deploy robot game match / judging session schedules
  • Lumieos can create a variety of Agendas
    • Public / Team Agendas, Volunteer Role Based Agendas, plus Match / Judging Session times embedded per Team / Volunteer Role

Event Levels

  • Flexible event level advancement which allows for districts, geography based assignment, and automated advancement
  • Customizable filtering to control availability with manual overrides
  • Supports many-to-one and multi-level advancement


  • Supports offline and online payments
  • Supports payments before or after registration
  • Automated computation of team requirements and ensures completion before registration
  • Preference or first-come-first-served based registration models with team priority controls
    • Preference based: teams elect preferences during configured window then Lumieos will process presences into registrations in a random order at a later time
    • First-come-first-served based: registration opens at a configured time and those teams that sign up first get the first slots available
  • Protects against overbooking and race conditions
  • Once a team is marked advanced, Lumieos will automatically show advancement registration opportunities


  • Hosts cannot see PII of teams or volunteers
  • Partners can customize permissions for Event Hosts and Volunteer Coordinators (team data, volunteer assignment, communications)


  • Communicate with teams easily and efficiently with our built in Conversation Module / Broadcasts
    • This is two-way communication enabled via replies and chat rooms

Volunteer Assignment

  • Up to your discretion, use external or internal volunteer assignment system
  • The built in, or internal, system is an easy-to-use drag and drop assignment system

Post Event Results

  • Lumieos allows you to upload Judging Rubrics / Files to teams upon event conclusion

Event Day

Event Day Kicks Off

Check In

Pit Administration volunteers can use Lumieos to check in both teams and volunteers.

Practice Tables

Pit Admin volunteers can manage robot game practice table use with Lumieos. Also, there is the option for a pre-event sign up for practice table slots.

End of Event Day for Pit Admin

Digital Scoring 

Digital Scoring is available inside of Lumieos. As long as referees have access to tablets and internet, they can access the digital versions of the scoresheets for the Robot Game portion of the challenge. There is even a section for the referees to enter the Gracious Professionalism (GP) score that the team earner for that match, and a section for the referee to fill out why they assigned that specific GP score. This allows the Head Referee and the Judge Advisor for the event to see the explanation in real time.

Paper Scoring

If you chose not to participate in Digital Scoring, you may opt to use paper scoresheets with the referees and submit them to a scorekeeping volunteer to enter into Lumieos.

Arena Display

Arena display is available which can be controlled remotely.

Event Day Kicks Off

Set your Queuing Groups

Lumieos has the ability to set Groups of Robot Game Tables and Judging Rooms to Queue. This is fully customizable for each individual event.

Mark Team Status

Have your queuing staff mark the status of teams as they move around the event. The status a team can be set to are “Not Found”, “On The Way”, and “Checked In”. The status indicators allow the queuing staff to stay in communication together to help your event run smoothly.

End of Event Day for Queuing

Event Day Kicks Off

Digital Rubrics

Lumieos provides a fully digital judging experience with online rubrics. Judges can complete rubrics on a laptop or tablet, and their numeric inputs are automatically fed into the Judging Discussion. The Judge Advisor can instantly view the judges’ submissions, streamlining the review process.

Award / Script Assignment

Lumieos is capable of assigning specific awards and scripts to teams.

Advancement Assignment

If your event is advancing teams to another level of competition, Lumieos can assign teams for advancement once decided upon by the judging team.

Closing Ceremony Scripts

Lumieos can handle your closing ceremony script single handedly. It creates a Master Closing Ceremonies script from the evergreen award descriptions from FIRST as well as the remarks from the judges that they write once deliberations are finished. Then, for your closing ceremonies, you can either have a digital version of the script to be read from a tablet, or print out the Master Script to be read.

End of Event Day for Judging


Printed or Digital schedules by team or by volunteer role are available in Lumieos.

Score Display

Lumieos has a custom Score Display that can be placed around your event to provide visibility into the Robot Game scores for the event.

Rubric Return

If you are not utilizing Digital Judging, rubrics from Judging can be scanned and uploaded into Lumieos and returned to teams.


If a team wins an award at an event, their script is automatically uploaded to their Event and Results page.

Learn More and Get Started!

Fill out the form below to get started.  During this initial launch of Lumieos, pricing and setup details are handled on a partner-by-partner basis.

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